
Is burning biomass really CO2-neutral?

Energetika, Održivi razvoj
According to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) when calculating CO2 emissions from burning or otherwise processing biomass we should count it as neutral. The rationale for this comes from a stand that CO2 emitted by burning biomass will be eventually absorbed by the plants. In a time when…

Is Digital Transformation Overrated?

For some time now, I have felt that the concept of digital transformation is more of a marketing concept than a real practice. What is the real difference between the work of IT and Digital Transformation? If we look around the internet, the answer to this question would come in…

Perspektiva Industrije 4.0 u Hrvatskoj

Industrija 4.0
Koji alati nam trebaju i kakva infrastruktura nam je potrebna da dovedemo našu industriju na razinu 4.0. Razni okviri za Industriju 4.0 se postavljaju unutar strategija razvoja na razini EU i država članica gdje u posljednje vrijeme prevladava koncept Smart industry. To je model razvoja koji sagledava pojedinu industriju i…


Jako smo ponosni što je nakon gotovo godinu dana priprema CroTechHub živ. prosinca 2018. osnovana je zadruga pod nazivom Tehnološko inovacijski hub (Technology innovation hub). To je pravna osoba koja pokreće CroTechHub 8 društava bili su osnivači zadruge. Što nas definira i koji su nam ciljevi. Prvo o ciljevima. Dvije…